


The federal government has designated several days each year as national holidays.  These days, governmental offices and most businesses, banks, and schools are closed.  Most stores are closed on Christmas, New Year’s Day, and Thanksgiving.  Special commemorative days, such as Mardi Gras, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick's Day, and Halloween are not legal holidays but are celebrated with special customs. The following are some of the holidays many Americans celebrate.

  • New Year’s Day (January 1) —the celebration of the arrival of the New Year. 制定新年计划是一种习惯, which is a promise to quit a bad habit or to do something good during the coming year.
  • Chinese New Year (date varies) - Of all the traditional Chinese festivals, 新年也许是最精致的, 色彩斑斓的, 和重要的. This is a time for the Chinese to congratulate each other and themselves on having passed through another year, a time to finish out the old and to welcome in the new year.
  • 马丁·路德·金. Day (January 15) —official holiday since 1986 honoring the American civil rights leader who sought to secure equal rights for all Americans and won the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • President’s Day (February) —a holiday honoring two of America’s most beloved presidents, 乔治华盛顿和亚伯拉罕林肯.
  • Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) —a holiday that is not celebrated widely throughout the US, 也是新奥尔良最盛大的庆典. The Mardi Gras season begins 12 days after Christmas and continues for several weeks.  狂欢节总是在圣灰星期三的前一天, 标志着大斋节的开始, 也是聚会的日子, 游行, 球, 还有各种庆祝活动.
  • 情人节(2月14日)——不是假日, but a special day for the celebration of friendships and love. It is customary to send cards, candy, and flowers to one’s spouse or close friends.
  • 圣帕特里克节(3月17日)——不是假日, but an occasion to honor the patron saint of Ireland and America’s Irish heritage. Some people wear a green article of clothing on this day, 餐馆可能会提供绿色食品和饮料.
  • Easter (April) —a religious holiday observed by Christians, 庆祝耶稣基督的复活. In addition, this celebration is a special occasion for children.
  • Memorial Day (last Monday of May) —a day to honor Americans who died in military service to their country.
  • Independence Day (July 4) —a holiday to celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Americans celebrate this occasion by having picnics, 游行, and parties.  在晚上, there is usually a free public fireworks display on the Mississippi River.
  • Labor Day (first Monday of September) —a day to honor the workers of America. 这一天在公园野餐很受欢迎.
  • Halloween (October 31) —not a holiday, but a festival of Scottish-Irish origin. Traditional activities include attending parties while dressed in costumes, 雕刻南瓜, 讲鬼故事.  在晚上, children go from door to door for “trick or treat”; you are expected to give them candy (the treat) or they may play a “trick” on you.
  • 排灯节是一个为期五天的印度教节日. Diwali means "rows of lighted lamps" and the celebration is often referred to as the Festival of Lights. 在此期间, homes are thoroughly cleaned and windows are opened to welcome Lakshmi, 财富女神. 点燃蜡烛和灯以示对拉斯克斯米的问候. Gifts are exchanged and festive meals are prepared during Diwali. The celebration means as much to Hindus as Christmas does to Christians.
  • Ramadan—Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. It is during this month that Muslims observe the Fast of Ramadan. 持续一整个月, Muslims fast during the daylight hours and in the evening eat small meals and visit with friends and family. It is a time of worship and contemplation, a time to strengthen family and community ties. At the end of Ramadan is a huge feast and party called Eid-al-Fitr.
  • Chanukah—The eight-day Festival of Lights commemorates the Maccabees' victory over the oppressive Syrian king and the miracle that occurred after the Jews regained their temple. The victors found enough purified oil to keep the temple's candles burning for only one day. But the oil lasted for eight days, allowing them to purify more.
  • Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday of November) —a traditional holiday that began when the first American settlers, 清教徒, 感谢丰收. Americans celebrate this day by preparing a special meal which usually includes turkey and dressing, 红莓酱, 还有南瓜派.
  • Kwanzaa (December 26 to January 1) - Kwanzaa (Quansa) is a holiday celebrated by many African-Americans. Unlike most holidays, Kwanza has neither religious nor political origins. 更确切地说,它是一个人的发明. 洛杉矶的Maulana Karenga, who saw it as a way for African-Americans to reaffirm their ancestors and their culture.  The celebration focuses on traditional African values of family, 社会责任, 商务, 和自我完善.
  • Christmas (December 25) —a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. 随着时间的推移,这已经成为一个更加世俗的节日.  Traditional activities include singing Christmas carols, 装饰圣诞树, 发送卡, 送礼物.  Children are told that Santa Claus will bring them gifts if they have been good.